【YouTube】It’s very popular among women right now! Drinking beauty essence “Squalene”.

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※Squalene, the beauty essence to drink
Have you ever heard of Squalene, a drinkable beauty essence that has recently become popular among beauty bloggers and Instagrammers?
This is amazing! It has spread by word of mouth, and many women are now using it as a beauty supplement! Squalene, which is also used as a raw material for cosmetics, supplements the ingredients that decrease with age, and supports the body from the inside to make it more energeticand youthful.
※What is Squalene?
It is an oil from the liver of deep-sea sharks, which live at a depth of 1,000 meters. It is originally biosynthesized in our bodies to a little extent, and is used as a raw material for vitamin D, cell membranes, hormones and good cholesterol.
※Squalene is the raw material for squalene
Squalene is not only used as a raw ingredient for squalene, a cosmetic beauty ingredient, but has also been widely used for a long time for making and keeping a healthy and youthful body. I’m sure there are many women who know the moisturizing effects of squalene beauty oil.
※Effects of Squalene
Squalene is an important ingredient for making the human sebumbarrier.
It is in sebum and has many important rolesin keeping the skin healthy, such as moisturizing the skin, keeping the skin soft and emollient, and improving the barrier function.
However, the amount of sebum decreases with age. As a result, the amount of “Squalene” in the body also decreases.
※Squalene repairs your skin from the inside out
Especially for women, it is said that the amount of squalene decreases rapidly after the age of 25.
A decrease in squalene not only causes dryness, but also an imbalance in the sebum barrier, making the skin vulnerable to stimuli such as UV rays and dust.
It also reduces the skin’s ability to retain moisture, making it more prone to skin problems such as wrinkles and spots. This is why it is important to take daily supplements to replenish your skin from the inside out.
※Squalene is also very effective for athletes.
Squalene is also used by many athletes because of its properties. The reason for this is that squalene helps “transport oxygen”.
Many people want to enjoy running, but as they get older, they feel like they can’t run long distances, their legs don’t move, and they get out of breath quickly.
※Squalene promotes body recovery after running
And with age, there are those who are concerned about their body’s declining recovery ability after exercise and pain in their legs. Squalene promotes the repair of damaged tissues and also has analgesic effects.
Squalene is a must-have ingredient for runners because it not only eases the burden of running by improving oxygen delivery, but also promotes physical recovery after running.
※Very easy to use!
Just take 3 capsules each morning and night with water without chewing!
You can also take 5 capsules with water to restore your skin from the inside out, and one capsule can be used as an oil to apply directly to your skin before bed!
If you’ve never tried squalene before, or if you’ve been careful with your face wash and lotion but not your beauty supplements, please give our Squalene a try! I’m sure you’ll feel the firmness of your skin come back!
運龍堂 佐藤貴繁
1977年 北海道生まれ。北海道立札幌南高等学校
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